Your Challenge Today:

 Accomplish great things …

By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC


To accomplish great things,

we must not only act but also dream;

not only plan but also believe.

~ Anatole France



To accomplish great things, we must dream, plan, act and believe! When we first have a dream, a fresh idea in our head we begin to see something new in our vision. We visualize a new solution, a new goal we bring our attention to it and breathe life into it. As we see the image of our dream we can begin to plan how to accomplish it and as we work on those plans we can imagine what we need to take action on to bring this vision to life, to achieve great things.


I recently watched the movie The Theory of Everything, what a powerful film. Not only is it a great love story full of inspiration and heart, but it is also well acted and very emotional. The love of two young people coming together defied all the odds of modern medicine and created miracles, very inspiring. I am inspired by their love, devotion, and commitment to each other and their dreams. They were able to find ways to act on the goals that they believed in to defy the odds. They did not allow their problems to push their lives; their dreams indeed led them.


I have dreams, and I pray that I will have the determination and devotion to bring my ideas to life and be able to enjoy the benefits and pleasure of accomplishing great things. I dream of happy, healthy people enjoying a Living Fit Lifestyle full of joy and love. To touch one life and bring pain relief, pleasure and improved fitness to it is a success to me. Accomplishing great things can be big or small, feel a heart, to heal pain, teach a song or plant a garden. What’s on your list of things to accomplish?


I dream of happy, healthy people #LivingFitLifestyle Click To Tweet