My Challenge Today:
All true learning …
By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC
Change is the end result
of all true learning.
~ Leo Buscaglia
All true learning will absolutely result in change ~ change in perspective, change in behavior, change in attitude and change in one’s heart.
Learning is an amazing gift that we give ourselves each time we pick up a book, newspaper or magazine. When we set out to learn something new we are committing to developing our gray matter, stretching our comfort zone and challenging our perceptions. Learning is a gift we give ourselves because we want a richer life filled with adventure, fun and valuable experiences. Learning definitely breeds confidence ~ when we take the time and energy to invest in ourselves, we are acknowledging our self-worth, enhancing our self-image and developing confidence that we will carry with us throughout our life.
I have a belief that it doesn’t matter too much what we are interested in, if it feeds our spirit and nourishes our soul ~ we are engaged in the fullness of our life. I have a passion for nesting, entertaining, decorating, plants, fish, cats, dogs, babies, cooking, SCUBA, exercise and body work ~ clearly my interest are varied. When I am engaged in learning anything related to those subjects ~ I feel high on life. I love cruising the book stores ~ I should probably start visiting the library, but that’s another subject all together. I love working with a client that has an issue I need to research, the very act of searching for a solution enhances my purpose and solidifies my career choice. I derive such pleasure from learning new things, asking questions and exploring my curiosity ~ that I have actually been laughed at and accused of acting like the FBI. Oh well, that’s not really the desired result but, honestly, I don’t let that stop me. I thoroughly enjoy learning and growing as a citizen of the universe.
We are all gathered here at the Living Fit Lifestyle to learn and create change in our lives and bodies. We will do that through implementing the necessary changes in our lives that support our Living Fit Lifestyle. We have an obligation to our body and our loved ones to learn and take the best care of ourselves possible. We don’t have to be perfect, we don’t have to change everything at once, we don’t have to live up to anyone’s picture of health. We do need to define our own Health Vision and learn what changes need to be made to bring that vision into reality. When we have our health ~ we have body confidence and that is sexy!
When we have our health ~ we have body confidence and that is sexy! #LivingFitLifestyle Click To Tweet