Your Challenge Today:

Always a student …

By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC


You are always a student, never a master.

You have to keep moving forward.

~ Conrad Hall



Always a student ~ that’s what we are!  Everyday is a new day and brings new opportunities to learn, grow and develop. We have to keep moving though … we have to put one foot in front of the other and keep moving …


Once I accepted the fact that there is always more to learn, more to master and I am always a student ~ it was easy for me to see that I must keep moving ~ keep on keeping on! I have to honor my need to slow down around the curves, take a break to consult my map (SMART GOALS), alter my plan as necessary and then get back on track and keep moving.


The truth is that I do have to keep moving or I will get run over ~ keep on keeping on is the secret to success. Move, move your body, move your brain, move your spirt and move, move, move! Keep your focus on movement, focus on any little step that will move you closer to your goal.


AND ~ sometimes that movement is actually stillness. The quiet stillness of meditation, mindfulness and waiting. We cannot always make things happen the way we want them to. There are times when we need to retreat, pull into the station for repairs, refueling, resting and quiet. This retreat is appropriate during certain times in life and keeping in touch with our spiritual selves helps us to know when to pull into the station for a little down time.



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