Your Challenge Today:

Acknowledge the True Value in Consistency!

By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC



For changes to be of any true value,

they’ve got to be lasting and consistent.

~ Tony Robbins



Consistent (con·sis·tent) is our word for this game!


  • Unchanging in achievement or effect over a period of time.
  • Being in agreement with itself; coherent and uniform
  • Constantly adhering to the same principles, course, form
  • Reliable; steady



This is our goal — how can we help ourselves and each other be more consistent with our goals for a Living Fit Lifestyle and enjoy all the benefits that a healthy body will ultimately give us?



I think it’s important to do a little detective work and figure out where we might be off track to achieve our goals? If we have one or more habits that are not supporting our health goals — what actionable steps can we take to create the change we want?



Share with your team,

tell them how you are a great detective,

what have you learned today?



What actionable steps can you take today to create the change you want? #LivingFitLifestyle Click To Tweet