Note to self:
Be a friend …
By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC
I believe in order to make a friend,
you have to be a friend.
~ Weili Dai
Be a friend ~ what does it mean to you to be a friend? To me, the qualities of a good friend include honesty, love, warmth, loyalty and simply someone I can just be me with and have fun. Good friends are non-judgemental; they give you unconditional love. They put you ahead of themselves. And to BE a good friend, of course, we should reciprocate these qualities.
Having friends is a definite bonus and a plus for your Living Fit Lifestyle. I have read much about the Science of Happiness and the research indicates that a rich social life, full of friends and loyal supporters adds vitality and years to your life. I value friendships with people that are there for me through good times AND bad.
My true friends are the ones who can sense when I am feeling down; they’re the ones who reach out and say they were thinking of me, just because, and “can I get you anything?” I have great friends who, although I may not see them for a long period of time, they are still the closest people to me because our connection surpasses time ~ we can pick up where we left off like it was yesterday.
Being socially active has been shown to improve one’s sense of well-being, decreasing feelings of depression, and you may even lower your risk of dementia. Research from the University of Chicago found that the more fulfilling connections people had, the better they slept — that’s a bonus! A study from the Massachuttes Institute of Technology found that workers were more productive and happy when they went on breaks or had lunch and socialized with their co-workers. And, a study by Bingham Young University found that people with social relationships lived fifty percent longer than those who lived in social isolation.
A rich social life, full of friends & loyal supporters adds vitality to your life #LivingFitLifestyle Click To Tweet
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