Fit and Female

Geralyn Coopersmith is the Senior Director Equinox Training Institute. She is a nationally-recognized fitness expert, exercise physiologist and author. Bringing her expertise to you in this educational book & program. This book outlines her perfect fitness & nutrition plan for women.


Strength Training Anatomy-3rd Edition

We believe it’s a good idea to really know what muscles you are working when you are exercising.  A deeper level of understanding will help you stay on track with your training program and help you prevent injuries.


The New Rules of Lifting for Women: Lift Like a Man, Look Like a Goddess

And what woman do you know that doesn’t want to look like a Goddess? Let’s face it, women’s bodies are different from mens and they shouldn’t necessarily train like a man.  This is an excellent guide to help women make smart healthy choices in their fitness programs.


The New Rules of Lifting: Six Basic Moves for Maximum Muscle

Yes, you guys need good muscles too.  This s a no-nonsense guide to healthy fitness training with all the best moves for you to create a training program that will suit your needs & lifestyle.


The Core Performance: The Revolutionary Workout Program to Transform Your Body & Your Life

We all hear how much our ‘core’ is important to our fitness and it’s true! A strong healthy core is vital to a healthy back and body.  This book will give you lots of great way to approach improving your core and back strength.


The MELT Method: A Breakthrough Self-Treatment System

If you have a chronic back, hip or shoulder problem, this program will give you a very useful tool that you can use daily to manage your issue and keep the pain at bay.


The Eat-Clean Diet Workout: Quick Routines for Your Best Body Ever (with DVD)

Tosca will show you that you can have a better body than you ever dreamed possible, in 30 minutes a day, four days a week.


Pilates Anatomy

Detailed descriptions, step-by-step instruction, and stunning full-color anatomical illustrations, Pilates Anatomy takes you inside the exercises and programs that will tone the body, stabilize the core, improve balance, and increase flexibility.



Starting with the foundation for all the exercises, Pilates presents an in-depth treatment of mat work, including photo illustrations and detailed breathing instruction to help you perform the movements correctly. A unique set of challenging exercise sequences allows the movements to flow in one continuous motion.


The Pilates Body: The Ultimate At-Home Guide

Pilates is the ultimate mind-body exercise for anyone who wants to tone, streamline, and realign their body without the bulked-up results of more conventional workout methods.