Weekly Challenge:

Clear written goals …

By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC


People with clear, written goals,

accomplish far more in a shorter period of time

than people without them could ever imagine.

~ Brian Tracy



Clear written goals



We live in a world that is complex and so full of everything that it is easy to get distracted. We have so much merchandise, magazines, television stations, news shows, sports channels, shopping centers, candy stores, etc ~ it is very easy to get distracted. We have more and more people being diagnosed with ADD and ADHD each year ~ according to Healthline.com ~ there has been a 42% increase in diagnosis over the past 8 years! That is a staggering statistic with symptoms that include anxiety, depression, substance abuse and sleep disorders among others. With all of these distractions, we really have to work hard to FOCUS our attention on what we want in life and this is where SMART GOALS come in handy.


Clear written goals are magical, they function as your personal GPS to success. And, learning to write goals and focus takes practice. Most people need the practice to go beyond daydreaming and fantasy stage to hone in on a well-written goal that is specific enough to be measured, is attainable, a real stretch and can be completed in a timely manner. It is advisable to have several short-term goals such as 3 months ~ which we are doing here and more long-term goals that are bigger. We can support our longevity by planning 1 year, 3-5 years and 10-year goals, these are obviously bigger goals that will take more time to complete like getting your Ph.D., building a house, saving for a trip around the world, etc. It’s a great idea to refer back to your Hot 100 list and if you don’t have one yet, get one ~ you will always have something fun to look forward to!


Eating a well-balanced food plan that includes lean protein, an abundance of organic vegetables and healthy fats while eliminating processed foods and packaged foods goes a long way to alleviating some of the symptoms that wreak havoc on our body, mind, and spirit. Creating a balanced Living Fit Lifestyle that includes daily exercise, increased water consumption, mindfulness meditation, restorative sleep and expressing gratitude will also support your body, mind, and spirit in a holistic way that helps to alleviate some of our modern day stress symptoms. While I don’t believe that any one thing can magically improve our lives ~ the mighty hexafecta ~ a strategic wellness plan will put you in the best place to focus and realize your goals.



The mighty hexafecta ~ a strategic wellness plan #LivingFitLifestyle Click To Tweet