Your Challenge Today:

Doing it as best you can …

By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC


Discipline is knowing what you’re supposed to do

and doing it as best you can… 

~ John Madden



Oh my gosh ~ I remember long ago, really long ago ~ the pain of regret! I was very young and didn’t fully appreciate what it meant to ‘do my best”, completely clueless. It’s very silly really but the memory stayed with me and certainly shaped my future. Maybe you remember a time in school when you had to practice your letters ~ I know, way back. At the time, I had very good handwriting and lettering, I can’t always say that today after years of school taking notes. However, at that time long ago, my penmanship was very good. It was so good, in fact, that I would get a gold star on my work everyday!  Then one fateful day, I distinctly remember I didn’t care about the gold star, until I didn’t get one! I was so upset ~ I really did want one and I didn’t get it…. because I didn’t do my best and it showed.


You might have some old memories like that too … taking your gifts for granted? Do you remember a time in your life when you didn’t appreciate your skill or talent and then were disappointed by your performance? What a hit to my spirit it was to understand what it meant to not give my best ~ it was a shocker and it came early in my life. That lesson was BIG for me and one I clearly never forgot, I liked those gold stars and I really did want to do my best. I didn’t like the regret that I felt about my lackluster performance, I wanted the discipline to do my best and enjoy the benefits.


I suppose it’s the same with anything that you really want ~ and ~ there are those times when you don’t know what you want and you have to find out by losing it. Sometimes, you have to suffer the pain of regret before you grasp what’s really important to you. And then you are able to commit to the discipline necessary to doing it as best you can to realize the completion of your goals.



Discipline is knowing what you're supposed to do and doing it as best you can #LivingFitLifestyle Click To Tweet