Your Challenge Today:

Feel your attitude …

By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC


People may hear your words,

but they feel your attitude.

~ John C. Maxwell



Attitude is a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person’s behavior.



It’s vital for me to remember that everything I do is related to my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.


    • If I am not happy at work, it affects my attitude. When my opinion is negatively influenced, I will look for comfort in easy-fix ways like a bottle of wine and bag of chips.


    • If I a not happy in my home, I won’t be able to relax and realize the rest that I need to be my best at work or in my relationships.


    • If I am not happy with my relationships, family or friends, I will feel agitated on some level, and my communication may suffer compromising other areas of my life.


    • If I am not happy in my romantic life, my sex life and home may suffer as a consequence due to unrealized desires.


    • If I feel disconnected in my community of friends or I lack a community connection because I have recently moved, I may feel lonely and get depressed driving me into a spiral of poor eating habits to soothe my aching soul.


    • If I am recovering from an injury or illness, I might get depressed from the physical setback and sink into a poor attitude about myself and my body.


    • If I am feeling bored with my current work or home life, I might do well to embark on new learning experience to add a bit of spice to my life.



All of these aspects of my life are interconnected and play a role in my overall attitude and Living Fit Lifestyle. I believe it’s important to keep in mind that YOUR HEALTH is much more than exercise and dieting. We are complicated beings with a need to balance our body, mind, and spirit through our Living Fit Lifestyle.




How does your state of mind (attitude) reflect who you are? 

How do you feel your attitude

affects your Living Fit Lifestyle and overall health?



Everything I do is related to my health #LivingFitLifestyle Click To Tweet