[Tweet “A good quality grilled steak and salad is an excellent choice #LivingFitLifestyle”]

By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC


Do you LOVE a good steak?


A good quality grilled steak and salad is an excellent choice for a create a sanctioned meal ~ it doesn’t always have to be chicken or fish you know?  Every once in a while you can throw in a palm sized piece of beef or pork with your salad or side vegetables. Variety in your diet ensures that you get the full spectrum of vitamins and minerals while keeping you from culinary monotony.


The important things to remember here:


  • Buy the best quality meat you can
  • Invest in Grass Fed Beef if you can find it, much better for your body
  • Marinade it if you have time and like
  • Make sure you use a heavy bottom pan on high heat
  • Make sure the pan is HOT and the steak is room temperature
  • Use plenty of seasoning before you put it in the hot pan
  • Make sure you SEAR the meat and get a good crust on the outside
  • The meat will release from the pan when it is cooked – don’t rush!
  • Check for doneness by the texture of the meat ~ or use a thermometer



We like, use and recommend

US Wellness Meats for superior protein products.