Your Challenge Today:

Home to find it….

By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC


A man travels the world over in search of what he needs

and returns home to find it.

~ George A. Moore



“Enjoy the journey” is a phrase I hear a lot with some of my clients. They are a little older, a little wiser having lived a little longer and I aspire to learn from their experience. Take time to enjoy each day no matter what it brings ~ there is always something that can be enjoyed.


And, then I think of people that I have met that are searching for happiness, looking high and low for fulfillment in every experience and person that they meet, looking for acceptance. When I get that sale, I will be happy. When I reach my goal, I will be happy. When I am included in the group, I will be happy. When I lose the weight, I will be happy. It’s very much like the video from the TED Talk yesterday, we set ourselves up to always be wanting more, never taking time to celebrate what we already have.


When we can take the time and energy to love and appreciate ourselves, we will find the happiness that we are seeking. We will know that happiness is not a station that we arrive at, it is the manner in which we travel. And, most likely, we already have exactly what we are seeking only to come home to find it. Very often we already have the love we need right in our own heart. When we stop to look at all of our strengths, talents and gifts ~ we can see what amazing beings we are. We have so much to celebrate, so much to appreciate and so much to enjoy.


This is a reminder to look inside and come home to find it! Keep focused on your success ritual, remind yourself of all your special gifts.




Happiness is an inside job and return home to find it….

love yourself today!



Take time to Love and Appreciate yourself today #LivingFitLifestyle Click To Tweet