Your Challenge Today:
Keep your eye on the prize … your goals!
By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC
Obstacles are those frightful things you see
when you take your eyes off your goal.
~ Henry Ford
We are all in this game for a 12 week period which is designed to give us enough time to work through the guidelines and make the adjustments that will ultimately bring more sparkle to our years.
As we move through life we are always learning, growing and changing ~ schooling is one of the most interesting parts of life. Unique experiences, different people, new foods and opportunities to learn from so many various people. While we are learning, it’s up to us to apply the lessons and make our life better.
How are you focused on making your life better?
What area of your life are you targeting on while playing this game?
How are you using the power of your team to propel your progress?
Share what you are learning …
how are you doing better?
i have been focusing on my health but, just this week i think i have missed an important ingredient. nourishing my heart and soul. one of my true loves has been horses and i have been away from riding for 2 years. the sense of freedom and flying does wonders for the soul (and posture). i feel like a new person and in a better place to care for others.
good job Debbie — get on it and go!
One of my SMART goals was about continued, consistant exercise. To that end, I finally purchased a wet suit for when it gets really cold here. it is starting to get cold and last year there were days when it was “just too cold” to swim. I want to see if the wet suit will help without being too much of a nusiance.
Another SMART goal was to advertise more and stay on top of offering workshops; I could probablly do a little better, but I am planning on attending a networking lunch next month, and I have reached out to follow up with some people who are interested in attending next week’s workshop. It actually worked! I need to do more, though.
My last SMART goal was about pleasure and love. I want to continue to get better at letting both in. I have a plan to that end, too. It has to do with speaking my truth about something that could come between me and Sam, if I don’t speak up.
I’m not using the team so much as I am using these daily coaching/goal setting opportunities to keep me on track.