Note to self:

Motivate yourself … or myself …

By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC


Be miserable.

Or motivate yourself.

Whatever has to be done,

it’s always your choice.

~ Wayne Dyer



Motivate yourself – that is the quest of the day! We always have a choice, be miserable where we are or change it … what’s more important? Do you enjoy misery? Do you have friends that are chronic complainers? Do you find yourself complaining about something in your life for too long now?


Well, that’s what we are here for — to support each other in creating the changes that we are seeking in our lives!


  • What do I need or want to change?
  • How will my life be better as a result of that change?
  • What do I need to learn to make these changes a reality?
  • What support do I need to assist my personal growth and success?


These are questions that I ask myself when I am working on a new goal, revising an old goal and embarking on a new journey. I know I do not exist in this world to be miserable and complain ~ I am here to make a difference, to help others discover their Living Fit Lifestyle and embrace the pleasure of life. I believe that life is a series of lessons, learning, and longing for new adventures to add depth to my life. I believe that I am here to learn, to teach and to enjoy the discoveries the world has to offer.


What do you do to motivate yourself to get up and ‘just do it’?  How do you shift gears when you don’t ‘feel like it’? What’s your strategy for sticking with your plan when life gets messy? How do you fuel your desire when you are not sure you can do it?


We always have a choice, be miserable where we are or change it #LivingFitLifestyle Click To Tweet