Your Daily Challenge:

Making the most of our opportunities!

By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC



Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work,

so most people don’t recognize them.

~ Ann Landers



When we think about making lifestyle changes that will stay with us for our life time — we usually think, ugh — so much work! Well, that is very true!!


Most things in life worth having require work — a rewarding career, a successful marriage, a beautiful home, healthy, happy children, a fit & healthy body — all require a lot of work.


  • Going to school requires work, reading, writing, studying and testing — integrating the subject matter into your life.


  • Creating a rewarding career requires a huge commitment of time, energy, and resources that can take years to reap the benefits one is seeking.


  • A successful marriage definitely requires work — communication, negotiations, compromises, time and energy — all very important to nurture a healthy intimate loving relationship.


  • A fit, healthy body — absolutely requires work — food planning, shopping, cooking, exercising, and commitment!



Is it worth it to you?  How much?  Is it worth the work, the effort?



In the long run when you have a healthy body, you will be rewarded for your hard work!  You will develop a better self-image, fitter feeling in your clothes and out of them, much rewards with your improved health, energy and vitality.  The improvements in your health and appearance will add much to your life through your improved confidence and self-esteem which will spill over into every area of your life and that’s what this game is all about!

How can you define your opportunities for improved health & wellness?


What is the hard work worth to you?

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