PushUp Challenge:
Perfect Pushups! How many can you execute safely?
By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC
You do NOT have to do them from the floor — if you are new to pushups the pros from One Hundred Push Ups recommend you use the wall, bench or knees to begin.
- “Wall” push ups -The “wall” push up dramatically reduces the pressure on the arms, upper back and abs. The closer you stand to the wall, the easier they are to perform, but remember, it’s still important to be aware of your body alignment as you perform the “wall” push up. As you gain strength and confidence, move your feet slightly further away from the wall to make the workout more challenging. Feel free to consider moving to the “bench” or “knee” style push ups once your initial strength has increased.
- “Bench” push ups – you can also use a low bench or chair to support your arms while you perform either regular push ups or “knee” push ups. This type of push up allows you to really concentrate on the push up motion; all without the strain of the regular version. Note: Please be sure the bench or chair is stable and secure before you perform the push ups.
- “Knee” push ups – to reduce the lifting load by about 50% you can do the same exercise, but do it on your knees. Keeping a straight line from neck to torso is still important, so please pay attention to correct body alignment as you perform your workout.
Find out more go to One Hundred Pushups
Perfect pushups - how many can you execute safely? #LivingFitLifestyle Click To Tweet
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