Your Challenge Today:
Focus on the Positive!
By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC
Where there is love there is life.
~ Mahatma Gandhi
Playing this game is an act of Self-Love ~ when we commit to taking care of ourselves by exercising consistently, eating healthy, sleeping profoundly and living mindfully ~ we are asserting our healthy self-care.
We are not talking about ‘pampering’ or self-indulgence. We are talking about learning to have a healthy balance of giving and take for ourselves and our commitments.
Live intentionally ~ focus on the positive!
It’s much easier to love and appreciate yourself no matter what is happening in your life when you live with purpose and design. Taking the initiative to design your life, choosing your direction and fulfilling your mission is one of the greatest gifts you can give the world. Your goal doesn’t have to be crystal clear to you at all times; it’s OK not to know everything. As you grow and change, your direction will flow accordingly.
When you intend to live a healthy life that is also meaningful to you, your decisions will support that intention. And, you will feel good about yourself when you succeed. You will love yourself more, be more compassionate and enjoy your days when you see yourself accomplishing what you set out to do. You need to establish your intentions, to do this. Honor your talents, honor your desire to learn, change and grow as an individual ~ you are unique!
Where there is love there is life #LivingFitLifestyle Click To Tweet
Not only do I feel better physically when I get to swim, but I feel better emotionally; knowing that I have honored what is important to my body. Swimming has also become a time when I free my mind and process what is present for me.It is an act of self love, for sure!
Good for you Pamela — you have really mastered the art of self-care and managing your physical being! The benefits are obviously apparent and you shine with the glow of good health.