Note to self:

Serving others …

By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC



consists in giving,

and in serving others.

~ Henry Drummond



Serving others has been proven to increase one’s happiness pursuit. We all have something to gain from giving to others. It has been said that you cannot give a hug without receiving a hug, right? Well, I suppose the same is true of giving pretty much anything when we give we give to ourselves as well. We are benefitting our spirit by giving to others, there is a true sense of pleasure that we derive when we give unconditionally, without expectation of anything in return.


NOW, please don’t get me wrong here – I am not suggesting that we give, give, give and never receive. We truly have to practice the art of receiving as well as giving. We need to give to ourselves as well as allowing ourselves to receive from others. Learning to ask for support when needed and allowing yourself to receive the support from a loving friend, family member or even anonymously is an equally important facet of our Living Fit Lifestyle. Recognizing that we are important and we are deserving of support is a critical element in nurturing our spirit as well as being generous with our spirit. Life is a series of events that involve giving and taking, the ebb and flow, up and down, we cannot always give any more than always receive without creating an imbalance. If you are involved in a situation where you are always stressed and you have tried everything to rectify the situation for yourself, it might be time to try saying ‘NO’ for a change. Be respectful and honest with yourself and others, speaking your truth is a powerful way to support your spirit and health.


Learning to say ‘NO’ is as valuable to your well-being as being willing to say ‘YES’, we get what we give. When we put our all into a project, we reap the benefits of our investment. When we are willing to give and receive in a relationship, we create harmony in our connections. Life is very definitely an ebb and flow ~ support your Living Fit Lifestyle through a commitment to helping others as well as yourself!



Learning to say 'NO' respectfully is valuable to your well-being #LivingFitLifestyle Click To Tweet