Your Challenge Today:

The winner’s edge …

By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC


The winner’s edge is all in the attitude,

not aptitude.

Attitude is the criterion for success.

~ Denis Waitley 



The winner’s edge … is all in the attitude. Well, that’s something to think about, isn’t it? One might imagine that the winner’s margin is merely being gifted with brilliance, a high IQ, extreme athletic ability, a wealthy family, a gift from God ~ the ability to sing or dance, or be an extraordinary artist. That’s what I used to think, some of us were born with luck and some of us not so lucky, some of us were born winners and some of us born to struggle, now I am not so sure. I do know that we all come into this world with different circumstances and we are all given the same 24 hours a day to utilize any way we choose, and we are entirely capable of achieving great things.


Many books have are available on the psychology of achievement, the science of happiness, the benefits of believing, what you think you can achieve, the power of positive thinking and the power of visualization. Many businesses utilize leadership training courses like Dale Carnegie which include Sales Training, Leadership Training, High Impact Presentation, Employee Management, and a host of other topics specifically designed to promote skills and enhance attitudes that will support personal and professional development. There is an abundance of learning material to reinforce the concept that attitudes can change and the view is a powerful principle for success in any project.


I believe an essential part of growing and developing the winner’s edge in this world with our SMART GOALS and our Living Fit Lifestyle is to:


  • take time to be quiet each day, to enjoy the beauty of the day, rain or shine
  • take time to listen to our self-talk, quiet the inner critic and foster the gentle soul
  • take time to be caring for yourself, however, you like to do that, bubble baths, mani-pedi, read a good book, take a long walk
  • be kind and gentle with yourself, have patience with ourselves, we are a work in progress
  • take time to breathe, meditate, and pray ~ ask the universe for guidance and be open to the messages
  • develop a healthy loving relationship with our self; it is ultimately our responsibility to love and appreciate yourself
  • spend time each day reflecting on our blessings and accomplishments – big and small, celebrate your successes


Developing a ritual that supports your vision for a Living Fit Lifestyle which includes eating healthy, exercising regularly, drinking water, restorative sleep, taking time to reflect on our blessings and sharing with our friends and teams goes a long way towards promoting the winner’s edge. Each component of this ritual reinforces your desire for success, happiness, and joy and brings you closer to the rewards of your efforts. And when you are feeling a little lost or down for any reason, reach out to your friends, family, and team for support ~ we are all in this together ~ and sometimes the love of a good friend is just what is needed to keep going!



Attitude is the criterion for success #LivingFitLifestyle Click To Tweet