Your Daily Challenge:

Be Yourself!

By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC


To help yourself, you must be yourself.

Be the best that you can be.

When you make a mistake, learn from it,

pick yourself up and move on.

~ Dave Pelzer



A tragedy in life is to live without meaning, direction or conviction to your own passions. To sacrifice your own life for another, to live the life someone else expects of you, to always live for external validation, to deny your own deep needs and desires, this is a tragedy.


When your motivation is to be accepted by others ~ you can be sure, you haven’t learned to accept yourself yet. Learning to accept ourselves can sometimes be a life long battle, especially for women. We have been externally conditioned by Madison Avenue to compare ourselves to the illusions of advertising. Our measuring stick is unrealistic, impractical and distorted. The images that are commonly used to portray the realities of cultural norms for beauty, fitness and health are photoshopped, staged and created to evoke an emotion to buy something that will make us ‘better’.


Our challenge is to LOVE OURSELVES just as we are, unique gifts to the world. We are not perfect, they are not perfect, we are all human and we need to recognize that and respect that fact. Our duty to ourselves is to be the best we can be. Make the most of our life, our talents, our special qualities and appreciate that about ourselves.


STOP trying to please everyone, and stop trying to be who you were in high school or college ~ be you ~ the best you that you can be today! Celebrate YOU and YOUR TRUE BEAUTY.



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