My Challenge Today:

Try something new …

By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC


Move out of your comfort zone.

You can only grow if you are

willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable

when you try something new.

~ Brian Tracy



Try something new … and be willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable. We are rarely able to try something the very first time and be a superstar. Generally speaking, most people need plenty of time to practice and perfect their craft or whatever endeavor they have embarked on and they are pretty awkward in the beginning.


Trying new things requires some level of courage and keeps us from becoming bored. When we try something new we are committing to our personal growth. Trying new things is a great way to overcome our fears, build new strengths, have more fun and break out of any rut that we might be in.


Challenge yourself to learn a new skill, life long learning is vital to your overall well-being. Learning new things brings a sense of accomplishment and pride to our lives and enhances our self-esteem. I am currently engaged in learning a new program (for me). I know it’s been around for a while and I have not yet had the opportunity to investigate it fully until now ~ I am taking the instructor course for the Melt Method® by Sue Hitzmann. What a fabulous program of self-care. I am looking forward to mastering the work for myself and my own self-care and for the opportunity of sharing this amazing work with all of you! I have many clients that complain of arthritis, back pain, neck pain and overall joint pain. I am able to help them with Massage Therapy to some degree and I believe that the addition of melting will have a distinct impact on our results.



When we try something new we are committing to our personal growth #LivingFitLifestyle Click To Tweet