Your Challenge Today:
Begin to live new today!
By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC
Only when we are no longer afraid
do we begin to live.
~ Dorothy Thompson
We can often get into a situation where we compromise ourselves and stifle our spirit. While it is true that we do need to compromise in life to live with others, we compromise at home with our families, compromise at work with our colleagues, compromise socially with our friends ~ all of this is necessary to live in a world with others. However, when we are living a life full of compromise without really satisfying our spirit ~ we begin to stifle our own personal growth and this can eat away at our health. Feeding our soul and spirit is as important as feeding our bodies.
If you had no fear ~
What would you be doing?
Where would you go?
What is your next big adventure?
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my next big adventure (aka feeding my soul and spirit) is to get back into arts & crafts. since childhood i have done many hobbies-photography, knitting, ceramics, bead work, metal work etc. i think it may have started with my mom teaching me how to knit. life got busy with marriage, horses, the gym etc. with my physical limitations and the need to slow down i am day dreaming of going back to old hobbies. i have many unfinished projects stashed away and a home gym that can be used as a craft room also. what am i waiting for? i only need to set up the beads away from the curious kitties.
i am amazed how the daily inspiration seems to frequently be on the same page as my thoughts. Bernadette must be a psychic in addition to all of her many gifts and talents.