Your Daily Challenge:
Stick to your vision and be flexible, like a willow tree so that you can bend in the wind when necessary.
By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC
Your vision will become clear
only when you can look into your own heart.
Who looks outside, dreams;
who looks inside, awakes.
~ Carl Jung
How do you handle change?
Take a moment to think about all of your changes recently. How have you adapted your default MO to create a new way of life? What easy changes have you made? What are some bigger changes you want to incorporate into your life going forward?
When you think of your Living Fit Lifestyle and all of it’s components ~
- Physical
- Financial
- Family
- Education
- Career
- Attitude
- Home
- Community
- Pleasure
What is the next step for you to create more balance in your life? Love, adventure, education? What area would you like to add some new energy into, change your mojo? What is your heart telling you right now?
Enjoy the fact that you have been able to adapt for the better just because you wanted to!
Share with your team, family & friends.
Share on Facebook ~ inspire others to think about their vision in 3D ~ get moving, have some fun!
For me, I have learned to be comfortable with just “doing some” exercise every day. Same with house cleaning… If I tell myself I have to clean the whole house, I feel overwhelmed and put it off, but if I say “lets see if I can go the kithchen and living room today” I’m more likely to get started. Same with exercise, all I have to do every day is 30 mins. And that really helps with consistency.