My Challenge Today:
What we give …
By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC
From what we get, we can make a living;
what we give, however, makes a life.
~ Arthur Ashe
What we give to ourselves and each other is a direct reflection of what we feel and believe. When we believe that our life is good, full and complete ~ that is what we experience. When we believe in good, we see goodness. When we believe in opportunity, we see possibilities.
To every day there is a night, to every up there is a down and there are absolutely two sides to every coin ~ it’s up to each of us to see both sides and choose which side we prefer to live on. We can rest assured knowing that we will have a life full of good days and bad days, fun days and bored days, we can bank on the fact that we will experience pain and pleasure in this life time. We will work, sleep, play, organize, laugh, sigh, and do things that we choose while also having chores to do as well.
When we take time to acknowledge our blessings, big and small ~ participating in our Daily Gratitude Practice, we are setting the stage for more pleasure in our life. When we are engaged in celebrating the pleasures in our life it makes giving and sharing so much more rewarding. What we give to others is what makes our life richer and more gratifying. We are here playing this game for the express purpose of improving our life, body and lifestyle. The objective of the game is to evaluate all areas of our life and zero in on the changes that we want to create the life of our dreams so we can do more than make a living.
When we believe in opportunity, we see possibilities #LivingFitLifestyle Click To Tweet