Core Components of the Game:
- Each Game is 12 weeks!
- Each team consist of 2-6 players maximum
- Each team’s collective scores will be averaged end or each week for a weekly winner
- And at the end of the game for an overall winner!
The game is based on:
- Honesty
- Integrity
- The desire to get healthy, get fit & have fun!
At the beginning of each game:
- the teams will select a team captain to report the team’s score to HQ
Healthy Food
- 350 points per week are available to you!
- 50 points per day – 10 pts per sanctioned meal
- 5 fully sanctioned meals per day mandatory
- Just eat real food!
Sensible Exercise
- 50 Exercise points per day for 30 minutes total activity – (6 x weekly)
- You must do some form of exercise for 30 min per day
Restorative Sleep
- 50 points for sleep daily
- We recommend 6-8 hours per day – points value for 6 hrs
- Or at least be in bed with lights out for 6 hours per day
- If insomniac you must practice the guidelines of sleep hygiene
- Regular sleep is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle and healthy weight management
Pure Water
- 50 water points available daily
- We recommend 2- 3 liters per day – points for 2 or more
- NO SODA or juice — sugar free or otherwise
Clear Communication
- 50 Communication points are available daily
- You can earn points for contact with at least 1 teammate and the group each day
- Phone, email, texting is permitted – FB or Website encouraged (optional)
Gratitude Practice
- 50 Gratitude points per day for 10 minutes of Quiet Reflection
- on 5 things that you are deeply grateful for!
- An attitude of gratitude is the beginning of a healthy mindset!
Exceptions – there are always exceptions!
- Every player gets THREE (3) meals off per week without penalty
- Every player get ONE (1) day off from all other rules without penalty (except food)
- Every player gets one thumb sized non-sanctioned food per day w/o penalty
Penalties – don’t even think about it….
No Snacking Please …
- -50 pts for every non-sanctioned snack each week
Don’t drink your calories!
- -50 pts for every non-sanctioned beverage except during (3) meals off!
Bonuses — your chance to really win the game!!!
Perfect Score Bonus!
- 20% Bonus of your total weekly score for perfectly following your
- SUCCESS RITUAL – 6 out of 7 days per week
Weekly Challenge Bonus
An opportunity for added bonus points – optional
- 20% Bonus of your total weekly score for participating in the Weekly Challenge
- Post anything about your journey with the challenge on our website or FB
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