My Challenge Today:

Life is about creating yourself …

By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC


Life isn’t about finding yourself.

Life is about creating yourself.

~ George Bernard Shaw



Life is about creating yourself — we are all given a clean slate to paint as we please. If time and money were no issue, what would you do, what would you try? Where would you like to go, what would you like to do and how would you create yourself?


What one small thing can you do today to “create yourself”? How can you support your own personal Health Vision by investing in your life and personal growth? This could be something as simple as getting a new haircut or color. Maybe you want to go to the mall and invest in the services of a personal shopper for a fresh outlook on your personal style. Maybe you want to invest in creating yourself by taking a vacation and renewing your spirit? Or, maybe you want to invest in creating yourself by taking a class at the local university or perhaps taking up a new hobby.


Personal growth can take many forms and support our success on the most basic level ~ in our spirit. When we feed our spirt, we are feeding our whole being. When we invest in creating our life as we imagine it to be, we are feeding our spirit, we are investing in our health and we are investing in our quality of life.



When we feed our spirt, we are feeding our whole being #LivingFitLifestyle Click To Tweet