Note to self:

Make things happen …

By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC


If you don’t make things happen 

then things will happen to you.

~ Robert Collier



Each of us is responsible for making things happen. We have responsibilities to our families, jobs, friends, communities and our selves ~ our lives are full of obligations. And, we often fill our days with activities that keep us busy and sometimes at the expense of our health.



Remember the flight attendant on the airplane?


“If you are traveling with a child or someone who requires assistance,

secure your mask on first, and then assist the other person”.



This is a direct reminder that we MUST take care of ourselves to be in any condition to help others. And, when we can remember that HEALTHY IS A LIFESTYLE, it’s easier for us to make better choices.


Exercising and eating to be ‘skinny’ might get you to a goal for a moment in time, it will not provide the sustainability for maintenance. It is our intention here to generate sustainable results, a healthy lifestyle that will provide the safety, support, and freedom that we all want in our lives for the long haul. We want the freedom to work, play, travel and experience life with health and vitality so that we can have more fun!


To make things happen


So, it is up to us – to make things happen – in regard to our lifestyle. We have to be pro-active in our exercise plan, food plan, medical plan and lifestyle plan. We have to make choices that support our Health Vision and Goals. It’s one thing to declare a goal in life and it’s entirely another ballgame when we choose to facilitate that goal with our lifestyle choices and begin to make things happen for our better health.



It is up to us - to make things happen - in regard to our lifestyle #LivingFitLifestyle Click To Tweet



What ONE thing will you do today

to make things happen to foster your health vision?