Your Daily Challenge:
Acknowledge what Mistakes you have made with your health in the past.
By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC
Mistakes are the portals of discovery.
~ James Joyce
Acknowledge — those mistakes are — in the past!
We ALL make mistakes, they are a part of life.
What we need is to learn from what didn’t work.
Take that knowledge into the rest of our life for a better tomorrow.
Knowledge is Power!
Today is a new day, you have an opportunity for a — DO OVER!
What have you learned from your mistakes? What can you change today?
Share — when we teach, we learn 🙂
I see there’s a theme here…
I recently was told by a friend that I didn’t respond when she shard some upsetting news with me. I was so grateful that she shared her experience, although I was hurt that I made her feel badly. This is an opportunity for me to commit to tuning in, even when I am exhausted, or set a boundary when I am too tired to take in one more thing.