Note to self:
Say YES to the best!
By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC
Learn to say ‘no’ to the good
so you can say ‘yes’ to the best.
~John C. Maxwell
Welcome to the Living Fit Lifestyle Game!
Making a commitment to yourself and getting into the game is a gift to yourself and your family. Taking good care of your body is the best investment you can make for your whole life.
When you feel good in your body …
- you feel good in your clothes
- you feel good in your choices
- you feel good in your life!
While we are living in the age of miracles in modern medicine … and we can absolutely take advantage of those advances in the event that we really need it ~ prevention is the name of the game!
Saying no to the good and yes to the best is choosing to invest in your health. One of the benefits of living in this age of modern medicine is having the best information to learn from. Every day we glean more about how to care for our bodies, how to eat, cook, exercise, sleep better and feel better. The best information available today dictates that our Lifestyle choices are the best indicators of our health. When we focus our attention on healthy habits we are setting the stage for vitality and longevity.
- Eating healthy ~ real food, organic, fresh and well-balanced meals
- Water ~ staying hydrated with fresh, clean water — very important
- Exercise ~ move your body ~ cardio, strength, stretch, balance & invigorate
- Sleep ~ oh so important, this is where the daily restoration happens!
- Gratitude ~ is proven to improve the quality of your life
- Communication ~ is a critical element in healthy relationships
The Program Practices are the cornerstones of the Living Fit Lifestyle that will bring your body, mind, and spirit into healthy balance ~ saying YES to the best YOU!
We only get one body in this life and it's to our advantage to take the best care of it #LivingFitLifestyle Click To Tweet
How are you saying YES
to the best for your health?
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