Total-body Circuit Workout
Total body circuit integrates the five functional movements patterns for a full body burn #LivingFitLifestyle Click To Tweet
- Squat
- Lunge
- Push
- Pull
- Rotate
Circuit #1
Be sure to set up your workout area in advance and perform each exercise for 30 seconds with a 15 sec rest.
Go through each circuit twice for a full 3o minute total body challenge
Single arm stability chess press
- Keep the hips up your body at 45 • angle
- Don’t allow the trunk to rotate
- This move will build strength in the upper body while giving you an extra core challenge
- Next round of this circuit be sure to change arms
Squat raise
- With resistance bands, this hybrid move is great for burning calories
- Keep the band under tension as you use this move to strengthen the whole posterior chain
- Squat low- lift high, no bouncing, focus on your form!
Battling rope lunge jumps
- This powerful movement uses the whole body
- Move the ropes from side to side by rotation through the trunk and shoulders
- Great for anyone preparing to shovel snow this holiday season
TRX supinated row with tricep extension
- Keep the wrists flat as you finish this strength move
- Think of your body like a plank as you engage the back shoulders and triceps
Single leg box jump
- Get the heart rate up while also working on stabilization
- Keep the knees bent as you land
- Safely step down and switch legs
- This is helpful if you plan on doing any snow or ice sports this winter
Circuit #2
Be sure to set up your workout area in advance and perform each exercise for 30 seconds with a 15 sec rest.
Go through each circuit twice for a full 3o minute total body challenge
Lunge pull to press
- Concentrate on rotating with the lower body
- As you pull and press with the upper body
- Be sure to switch sides in the next round
- This move improves balance power and mobility
Sandbag bear crawls
- Work on your primal agility with this full body calorie burner
- Pull the sandbag forward a few times then backward during the 3o second round
Kettlebell single arm swings
- Great for improving glute strength
- The kettlebell single arm swing will challenge your flexibility
- Use a flat back, and power from the hips to swing the bell upward
Medicine ball lateral slams
- Give it all you got on this stress reliever
- Imagine a point of tension next to your foot
- Slam the ball hard and fast as you can
- Use your whole body to rotate from side to side
TRX pistol squat
- Drop into a single leg squat and
- Use the suspension system for support
- Add a small hop for a more significant challenge
- Switch legs on the next round
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