Weekly Challenge:

Help yourself more …

By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC


When it comes to eating,

you can sometimes help yourself more

by helping yourself less.

~ Richard Armour



Well, we just finished one of the best holidays of the year ~ with family, friends and lots of traditional celebrations of Thanks! It’s the official kick-off to the year-end holiday season. We are entering a month-long succession of parties ~ office parties, school parties, neighborhood parties, club parties, wine dinners, every kind of party. You name it, and it’s a party with lots of food, drink, laughter, and over-indulging.


One of the reasons for this game is to help us ALL establish healthy habits that will allow us to go gracefully through life doing the things we truly enjoy and living the life we imagined ~ pain free, disease free, and full of the vitality that we all deserve!


With daily movement and sanctioned meal planning as part of our core components ~ we are setting the stage for our success in preventing the uncontrolled over-indulgence that we soon regret. We have the power to choose, a gift that we have to exercise as our right to live a healthy, vibrant life.


What changes can you make to the party plan that will assist you in your Living Fit Lifestyle goals? What strategies can you organize for yourself to help you stay focused on your health while enjoying the seasonal festivities?








What is your strategy

to get through the next few weeks of Party Town

without blowing all of your previous hard work?



When it comes to eating, you can sometimes help yourself more by helping yourself less #LivingFitLifestyle Click To Tweet