My Challenge Today:

Understand …

By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC


I hear and I forget.

I see and I remember.

I do and I understand.

~ Confucius



This sentiment is a perfect example of me and how I learn ~ I am a Kinesthetic learner. As a massage therapist, fitness trainer and chef ~ I learn the best by doing. When I do something, I understand. I need to be physically involved in doing something before I fully understand it. Most of us have a learning preference ~ visual, auditory, kinesthetic and we could be a combination. My dominant learning style is definitely kinesthetic with visual being next.


What about you, how do you learn best? Do you need to ‘see’ the process of change? Do you need to ‘hear’ a lecture or presentation? Do you need to physically ‘do’ the new activity to seal it into your being? Or are you a combination of learning styles? Once you know what you learning preference is, you can figure out what need to make the habit change a success. Perhaps you will want to read a book or blog post to learn what you need. Or, you might want to listen to a few pod-casts to learn the information that you will need, or maybe you need to participate in a workshop or some combination of the three to provide you with eh best support for habit change. Let me know, what works best for you?


While we are here together, working hard to make healthy lifestyle changes that will provide a stable platform for us to grow older safely, we have things to learn. We need to be able to evaluate our current lifestyle habits and make educated choices about which habits to change and how. Once we have taken a thorough inventory of our current lifestyle habits, we will need to systematically go about upgrading our commitments to produce the desired result. And, please ~ keep in mind ~ why do you want to make healthy lifestyle changes? What’s your motivation for habit change? How will you benefit from these changes?



How will you benefit from healthy lifestyle changes? #LivingFitLifestyle Click To Tweet