Your Challenge Today:
By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC
Nothing builds self-esteem and self-confidence
like accomplishment.
~ Thomas Carlyle
A long time ago I attended a seminar, I can’t remember what the topic was at this time, but I do remember that we were asked to play a few games with ourselves. One of the games was creating a daily list of acknowledgments – recording things that we did each day that we could genuinely be proud of, big and small, no judgments! The rules of this game were merely to make a list of accomplishments with the caveat that some days the list might just include “getting out of bed.”
This exercise, game, ritual ~ whatever you want to call it ~ became very beneficial to me because it was a daily reminder that I am valuable, I am exceptional and I am worthy! This ritual gave me energy, it boosted my confidence and provided just the right amount of motivation that helped me move into a healthier perspective in my life. Learning to appreciate ourselves is the first essential step to creating a life of love ~ loving our bodies, our homes, our families and our experiences.
- I deserve to appreciate my life
- I deserve to be proud of myself
- I deserve to enjoy my accomplishments, big and small
- I am valuable; I am worthy
- I am unique, and I have unique gifts to offer others
This acknowledgment ritual goes hand in hand with the Daily Gratitude practice that we are all enjoying with our teammates. When we take time to reflect on our gifts, pleasures, friends, family, and experiences ~ we can feel the joy of our lives in a new way. This desire brings a sense of peace, contentment, and willingness to try new things. We developed the Daily Scorecard / Success Journal as a way to acknowledge yourself every day during your journey here. The habit of keeping score or journaling during the challenges of this game is an excellent way to see how you are doing in real time, what are you doing well, where can you improve and what changes can you make to support your success further.
What do you want to acknowledge
yourself for today?
Nothing builds self-esteem and self-confidence like accomplishment #LivingFitLifestyle Click To Tweet
Recognize my self for self discipline and commitment in supporting my relationship. REally working as a team to accomplish more
these words ring so true today. i do deserve all these things. i must get them from withing, self-love, self-appreciation. i want to work daily to build inner strength to endure the times.
I stayed true to myself under peer pressure, the nicest kind of peer pressure that came with love… but still not what I wanted. Now I need to speak my truth with more clarity.