Fun Partner Exercises
This adds excitement and variety to your exercise program – which we all need from time to time. You can set up a group workout with a friend or team-mate and challenge each other to get stronger together!
Medicine ball ~ V sit with pass and rotation
- Sit tall knees bent
- heel on ground
- both partners recline back slightly
- maintain position
- partner with med ball rotates in each direction
- other partner mirrors the movement
- returning to starting position then passes the ball
- partner repeats the sequence rotating once in each direction then pass the ball back
- keep the core and abdominal muscles engaged prevent any arching in the low back
- Variation for smaller space, the partner sit side by side and rotate, pass, repeat
Mid Row with Tubing
- Stand facing your partner feet hip distance apart
- Arms fully extended
- Tubing intertwined
- One handle in each hand and ,
- Keep abdominal engaged and back flat,
- Pushing hips back lower to squat position
- Maintain this position
- Slowly pull the tubing with elbows straight back, with palms facing in…
- Pull squeeze shoulder blades down and back
Lunge with Chest Pass
- Stand facing partner with feet hip width apart,
- Starting with the medicine ball at chest level
- The person with the ball lunges forward and using a chest pass
- Passes the ball to the partner who is perfuming a backwards lunge
- As you switch an repeat this exercise remember to initiate the lunge movement by pushing the hips backwards first
- Before lowering the thigh parallel to the ground
- As you lunge forward the heel of the front foot should strike the ground first, followed by the rest of the foot
Yoga Tree with Unfixed Support
- Standing side-by-side arms length apart
- Both partners extend their inside arm until the fingertips are touching
- Gazing forward – partners shift the weight unto the inside foot while lifting the opposite foot off the mat
- Placing their foot on the inside of the standing leg,
- Using one another for support
- Partners press the palms together and extend both arms out to shoulder height
- Continue to maintain balance by grounding down through all four corners of the standing foot
- There are 3 foot variations for TREE opening the knee to the side
- The first option is to draw the heel to the inside of the ankle keeping the toes on the ground
- The second option to draw the foot to inside of the calf, avoiding the knee joint
- The third option to use the hand as a guide to bring the foot to the inner thigh
Partner Tree can also be performed with Prayer Hands
- Standing side-by-side shift the weight to the inside foot,
- open the opposite knee to the side choosing one of the foot variations
- once situated partners extend their inside arm. up palms to touch
- The outside hand then draws across the midline of the body,
- Palms joining, forming prayer hands at center
- Gaze forward and continue to ground down through all four corners of the standing foot
- To maintain this pose be mindful of pressing the foot into the standing leg
- While simultaneously pressing the leg into the foot
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