Your Challenge Today:

Identify the qualities you want to nurture within yourself to support you in your journey to a Living Fit Lifestyle?

By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC



Tell me and I forget.

Teach me and I remember.

Involve me and I learn.

~ Benjamin Franklin




What qualities do you need to employ to manifest your dream life, your healthy body, a career boost, your fiscal health, a sanctuary at home, a loving relationship, a supportive community …




  • firmness of purpose; resoluteness
  • the controlling or deciding of something’s nature or outcome




  • the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity
  • a pledge or undertaking




  • firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition
  • the continued or prolonged existence of something



Sometimes, we have to dig deep into ourselves to find the strength to create change in our lives. It is easy to get comfortable or even complacent with the status quo and moving outside our comfort zone requires a commitment, a plan of action, a support system, and a real desire for change. Once you have made the decision for change, create a series of action steps that will move you to your desired result. To keep your motivation up ~ remind yourself frequently of what life could be like if you don’t take these steps and what life will be like when you do move into your Living Fit Lifestyle.


If you need to enlist the support of a professional ~ go for it! We each have our own specialities in this life and when we don’t have the necessary expertise to create the result we are looking for, it’s a wise choice to enlist the aid of a professional. Ask around, ask people that you respect for a referral, go to the internet look at industry search boards and seek out potential sources of professional support.



Share your commitment ~ to your Living Fit Lifestyle!



Involve me and I learn #LivingFitLifestyle Click To Tweet