Your Challenge Today:
Always do your best …
By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC
Always do your best.
What you plant now, you will harvest later.
~ Og Mandino
Every day is a good day for a good day ~ and ~ excellent time to give your best effort to life. We only have NOW … and we can make this present moment the primary focus of our life … we can make it the very best possible. It seems to me that we are all engaged in a dance between what we have learned from past experiences, the moment we are in called “now” and what we are working toward for our future. This dance that is continually evolving as our life unfolds and we have to stay flexible, resilient and bend in the wind to prevent us from breaking. We never really know what is coming around the corner for us in life and making the most of every moment we have is a healthy approach to our satisfaction.
Let us enjoy this moment today while we plan, plant and prepare for our future. Find pleasure in the process of planning ~ engage the assistance of your BFF if planning is not your gig and enjoy the journey of today while working on planting the seeds of your future. Think about what you want, what makes your heart sing, what tickles your funny bone and what gets you jazzed up to have a good day ~ these are the things that will boost your immune system and keep you healthy. Having friends that you love, laughter in your life and something special to look forward to is the best medicine for building a healthy body, mind, and spirit!
What are you planting today?
What you plant now, you will harvest later #LivingFitLifestyle Click To Tweet
I am the author of my own life, I make the choices, I own the choices and I waste no time on regrets instead invest my energy on the things and thoughts that move me forward in my life.
i have been trying to do my best through some difficult times. i still have a lot on my plate (if not more) and i’m creating a lot of stress for myself. i am planning for the future and once the plan is complete things will be MUCH easier. but, the process will take time. as i am working towards my goal i must remember to take time for myself to relax, refocus and unwind.
I have been resenting the fact that I have to teach all day, presenting a workshop on what is supposed to be a beautiful Saturday. This post reminds me that the workshop is planned to be fun, teaching and learning is always fun, meeting new trainess is almost always fun. So this will be my mantra today… fun can be found in many forms.