Your Challenge Today:

Quality of Life!

By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC


The reason I exercise

is for the quality of life I enjoy.

~ Kenneth H. Cooper



We are all in this life for the duration. It’s up to us to decide how we want to live our lives. We have many choices that make up the core of our lifestyle, which is what this game is all about — the manner in which we choose to support this vessel that we live in – our bodies. How would you describe the quality of your life? What is important to you about your ‘Quality of Life’?


Our lives are made up of choices about our friends, family and community. What kind of work we want to pursue and what type of contribution we want to make to society? Is it important to us to have children, to keep in touch with our own parents and siblings? Do we have community ties through service or religious endeavors? How and where do we choose to live, where is our ‘love nest’? How do we like to spend our free time, concerts, movies, theatre, travel, reading, writing, photography? How do we feed our curiosity and our soul?


The core components of this game are only a base line for our lifestyle. These components of food, water, movement, sleep, communication, and gratitude are the foundation upon which all other choices are built. It is through the health of our bodies that we can build a life of health with our other interest. Our physical vitality is an essential component to a happy, well-rounded life.


Quality of Life = how you choose to live everyday …


Living Fit Lifestyle - Fitness is a lifestyleWhere you are with the idea of  “fit-for-life”?

Do you choose healthy living as a “lifestyle”?

Is your commitment to your quality of life?