Your Challenge Today:

Make your moments memorable!

By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC



We do not remember days,

we remember moments.

~ Cesare Pavese



I have heard it said many times — we can be our own worst enemy. What a thought, being our own worst enemy. Wow, it took me awhile to understand that one at first and then ~ yea, I get it. We can be so hard on ourselves, thinking the worst, worrying, creating problems for ourselves when there are not any.



How can you make your moments today more memorable?


Living Fit LifestyleWhat can you do for yourself to make your life the best it can be?

What do you need to do, say, ask or tell to simplify your life and add heart to your days?

What’s going to make your day today more memorable?



We do not remember days, we remember moments #LivingFitLifestyle Click To Tweet