Your Challenge Today:

Strength to persevere …

By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC


A hero is an ordinary individual who finds

the strength to persevere and endure

in spite of overwhelming obstacles.

~ Christopher Reeve



Finding the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles ~ that is the making of a hero!


Have you ever had to dig deep and find the strength to persevere? Life is full of twists and turns and really comes with no guarantees. We don’t know what we are going to get, anything can happen and the only thing we can do is our best. For some of us the simple act of exercising on a daily basis may seem like a mountain to climb because it has never been a part of our life and creating that new habit looks huge! For others, finding the strength to persevere with our wellness goals seems impossible due to physical pain that we might be suffering and finding a way to either alleviate the pain or work around it is the task at hand. While others may be suffering emotional pain from some loss or sadness and that pain can affect your ability to sleep, eat, exercise and just plain get through the day.


These are the challenging times in life when we need our support systems ~ our team ~ our family, friends and therapists. We need the strength to persevere and it is our routines and rituals that can help us through. Exercise, eating healthy, drinking water, mindfulness meditation, gratitude practice and team support ~ these aspects of the game are designed to assist us with the structure that will support our wellness. When we create the sustainable changes that improve our health and well-being, we are setting the stage for our inner hero to emerge. When we nurture our body, mind and spirit ~ we are also nurturing our inner hero.


Rest assured ~ there will be times in your life when you will need to be a hero for yourself or someone you love and with the support of your routines, rituals and discipline you will rise to the occasion. You will have the strength to persevere ~ you will have the strength of body, mind and spirit!



A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere #LivingFitLifestyle Click To Tweet