Your Challenge Today:

Things that matter …

By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC


Our lives begin to end

the day we become silent about

things that matter.

~ Martin Luther King, Jr.



What matters to you? What are you passionate about? What makes your heart sing? What are you doing in your life that brings vitality to you and feeds your spirit?


I am deeply passionate about people being happy and healthy. I am excited about health, and the aspects of our lives that we can change that will facilitate a stronger sense of self. I am passionate about enjoying the beauty of the world and celebrating what’s right with the world. I am excited about having fun, laughing and enjoying the simple pleasures of life. I am passionate about teaching kids that they ‘can’ and encouraging them to do what they can and believe in possibilities.


I know what difference food choices make in our lives, and I know how much exercise makes a difference to our well-being. I know what a difference drinking water instead of juice or soda can make to a person’s long-term health, and I know what a difference good quality sleep makes to a person’s vitality. These seem like simple things that most of us probably take for granted. Sleep, water, food ~ we’ve been eating, drinking and sleeping since the beginning of time, what’s the big deal?


The big deal is that our civilization has become more and more complicated as we have developed intellectually. We have grown through medicine, learned and created more sophisticated communications systems; we’ve become truly global. It’s easy for us to import and export, food comes from far away countries and the importance of seasonal, local food remained lost until recently. We have begun to see the damage we have created in the health of our population as a result of our lifestyle habits over the past 100 years. It is true we are living longer and experiencing a host of health issues due to our extended life expectancy. And, it is equally valid that we can prevent many of the current diseases by making better lifestyle choices, simple choices related to food, water, exercise, and sleep.


We have become such a fast moving society that we forget to unplug, slow-down and enjoy the little things with our families, friends, and community. We need to feed our spirit as much as we need to feed our bodies. We need to invest time in enjoying the passions of our lives, creating sustainable lifestyle changes that will support our longevity.



I am deeply passionate about people being happy and healthy #LivingFitLifestyle Click To Tweet