Your Challenge Today:

Laugh and be Happy!

By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC



We don’t laugh because we’re happy,

we’re happy because we laugh.

~ William James



Life is a gift and living the life you want is a special gift to yourself. Some say “we come into this world alone and we leave this world alone.”  There is an absolute truth to that. We are born into families, some of us may be fortunate enough to have strong familial connections and others might wish for a different family for a variety of reasons. Either way, we are given the gift of life and the opportunity to choose what we want to do for a living, which people we want to call ‘friends’ in our lives and how we want to invest our time and energy on a daily basis.


When we feel ‘stuck’ in a life that is stifling us or smothering us ~ we can choose something else. It may not be easy, but we do have the ability to choose another path. Whether we feel ‘stuck’ in a job or a relationship that we have outgrown, it’s up to us to re-invent the job or relationship to give it new life or say it’s time to walk away.


The knowing when to leave or when to invest more can be the most significant challenge, and that requires an extensive questioning and listening. A mindfulness meditation practice is a practical way to learn to listen to our spirit and time, to be honest with our self about what we are feeling and how those feelings are affecting our life. It’s a time to get to know the person better and develop a relationship with our spirit in a way that supports our SMARTER GOALS for a Living Fit Lifestyle.



Living Fit Game - We LaughWhat makes you happy?

How do you know when something no longer serves you?

How do you know when it’s time to walk away from a person, place or thing?