Your Daily Challenge:


By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC



Motivation is knowing you are learning,

growing, and succeeding toward your

desired outcome while sustaining positive momentum.

~ Jaren L. Davis



    • Who do you turn to for inspiration to stick with your program?


    • What is your plan for learning and moving toward your goal?


    • When you are at a plateau — how do you combat your lull?


    • Where do you go when you are looking for something new with your diet or exercise?


    • How do you keep yourself motivated with your healthy living plan?



We all need goals, rewards and celebrations to help fuel our passion for a living fit lifestyle.  Is it your children, your grandchildren, your re-union?  What are the short-term goals that fuel your workouts?


    • A cycling trip in Europe?


    • A hiking trip in the mountains?


    • A friends wedding or destination celebration?


    • Your child’s graduation?




What events can you use to motivate your training and wellness program?

What ‘something’ bigger than yourself can you tie your goal to and add fuel to your plan?

Please Share!  Share with your team and share on Facebook to inspire others to get moving and get healthy!