Your Challenge Today:

Excellence …

By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC


Excellence is not a skill.

It is an attitude.

Ralph Marston



Excellence is an attitude ~ that’s a mighty statement! It means that we all possess the ability to be excellent in any way we choose. We may not be able to change our genetics, we are not able to suddenly grow six inches or change our inherited DNA, but we can change our attitude about what we are doing and how we approach it, if and when we choose.


I get excited at possibilities, learning new things and exploring new prospects; I like to think of the potential. What’s possible with change, how does a shift in perspective help shape new opportunities? How will learning a new language helps direct a difference in your life or mine. Learning a new language can be cultural, the language of love, a computer language, a vocational language, or it can just be learning to decipher the words of Mars and Venus, boys and girls … not necessarily so easy.


Whatever you choose to focus your time, energy and mental faculties on ~ you can achieve excellence if you so want. And creating a physical change in lifestyle, health and awareness begin with a change in attitude, habit, and perspective.


  • Yoga
  • Swimming
  • Tennis
  • Body Pump
  • Rollerblading
  • Row-biking
  • Tai Chi
  • Cross-fit
  • Hooping



What mental change can you make today

that will support your physical goals?



Excellence is not a skill. It is an attitude #LivingFitLifestyle Click To Tweet