Your Weekly Challenge:

Find Joy of Achievement!

By Bernadette Kathryn, LMT, IHLC


Happiness lies in the joy of achievement

and the thrill of creative effort.

~ Franklin D. Roosevelt



Celebrate your Successes — Celebrate your Joy!


We are entering the final stage of the game, how are you doing? You have been practicing new healthy habits, trying them on for size, it’s a good time to evaluate your experience, adjust your strategy if needed and consult with your SMARTER GOALS again.

The objective of the game is to create healthy habits that will support a long healthy life and there are several core components:


  • Water — drinking 2-3 liters of pure water everyday — eliminate juice, soda, diet drinks and limiting the adult beverages to 2 nights a week!


  • Exercise — minimum 30 minutes a day for a minimum of 180 minutes of activity each week — do your very best and work up to more without overdoing it!


  • Sleep — the most under rated healthy habit in modern times — recharge your batteries, 6-8 hours sleep each night.


  • Communication — is an essential element in every good relationship and we need healthy relationships to thrive in this world.


  • Gratitude — an attitude of gratitude is essential to a healthy spirit. The more grateful you are for what you have the better you feel, take a look around…



We call it Living Fit Lifestyle because it’s about more than fitting into skinny jeans. It’s about getting healthy and creating a life of balance that supports our longevity and wellness. Social wellness, sharing a positive lifestyle within your community, is the key to creating lifelong healthy habits. It’s all about designing the life that you want and getting the support you need to manifest it ~ it’s about:


  • believing in yourself
  • investing in your health
  • sticking with your commitments
  • having fun with your peeps
  • winning the life and body of your dreams



You made your smarter goals in Week 1 — on any area of life that you wish to work on — remember, it’s a journey — enjoy the ride!


  • Body – that is what the Guidelines for the Game are all about

  • Mind – keeping a healthy attitude is a foundation of the game

  • Spirit – nourishing your soul is as important as your body

  • Home – having a sanctuary to retreat in soothes your spirit

  • Love – adds life to your years

  • Work – fulfilling your purpose

  • Money

  • Community

  • Education



How has this game been helpful to you and your health goals?

How has the concept of ‘health’ evolved for you?

How are you creating your Living Fit Lifestyle?



Click Here and Share your JOY for the Living Fit Lifestyle!