bonus - Living Fit Lifestyle

Perfect Score Bonus



  • 20% Bonus of your total weekly score for perfectly following the


  • REQUIRED DAILY TASKS – 6 out of 7 days per week


Challenge Bonus


An optional opportunity for added bonus points!


  • 20% Bonus of your total weekly score for participating in the Daily & Weekly Challenge


  • Post anything about your journey with the challenge on our website or FB


The game challenges offer an opportunity to looking deeper into the process of healthy living and an option to earning bonus points that will move your team further along and perhaps make up for a penalty or two received along the way. It’s a game, it’s supposed to be fun, and not an obligation.


  • Daily Challenges — come into your mailbox daily and you have the option of participating, just a thought to help you with the journey…. A question to ponder and hopefully assist you in the journey of small changes over time can make a big difference in your life.


  • Weekly Challenges are just that — they come once a week, usually require more work, thought, effort to complete.  Like setting your SMARTER Goals — really thinking things through.  What have you done in the past that hasn’t worked for your long term health goals and how can you make a shift that will work better for you in the long run?


  • Exercise Challenges — again, weekly — something to consider about your exercise program.  As we (not you) are aging, things tend to happen, aches, pains, injuries, etc.  And, I have found that those things often are a result of too much exercise, not enough stretching, poor posture or form in exercise, not enough rest, etc…. These will be small things to think about in regards to your body… Do you need to adjust, change, add, subtract anything that might make your fitness program more successful or fun?